Continuously refrigerated from manufacture to delivery at your office.
Heat is the enemy of whitening gel potency…and gel potency is a big key to ensuring totally satisfied whitening patients.
All peroxide based whitening gels are unstable chemicals – they’re supposed to be. This is why they’re able to break down quickly in the mouth, releasing bleaching factor byproducts. The downside of this chemical instability is that all whitening gels start degenerating immediately after manufacture if not kept under constant refrigeration.
The higher the temperature, the greater the degradation process. Warm, or even hot temperatures, often encountered during warehouse storage at chemical manufacturers and whitening product companies, is problematic. Even more problematic is the high temperature (125°F – 165°F) typically encountered in freight truck bays during truck shipment of gels from chemical factories to whitening companies, and from whitening companies to your office. Just think of how hot your closed car gets on a sunny day! This extreme heat often causes severe heat degradation of the whitening gels.
Is it any wonder that you experience such a wide range of effectiveness with typical whitening systems?
As NON-refrigerated whitening products break down and degrade during storage and shipping, hydrogen ions are produced. Those hydrogen ions are acid (pH = potential of Hydrogen). Whitening gels therefore become more and more acidic as they break down, resulting in an ever increasing possibility of sensitivity and pain.
Constant refrigeration virtually stops breakdown of whitening gels.
More importantly, refrigeration protects whitening gels against the potency-robbing damage of heat during storage and shipping. Even when stored at room temperature (73.4°F), whitening gels more than double or triple in acidity. So just imagine how acidic whitening gels become when exposed to warmer temperatures during warehouse storge, or worse yet, the common 125°F – 165°F during truck shipping. This significantly increased acidity greatly increases the osmolarity of whitening gels. That increased osmotic “pull” on dentinal tubular fluid further increases sensitivity. The increased acidity that occurs during NON-refrigerated shipping and storage results in increased “stabilization” of the whitening gel, which means when placed in the mouth, the gel will not break down as thoroughly in the mouth when we want it to.
KöR Whitening is the first company to constantly refrigerate a full line of teeth whitening products from the moment of manufacture, until you receive them cold-packed at your dental practice.
The result? With KöR Whitening systems you get exceptionally effective gels with lower sensitivity and less risk of pain for your patients. When KöR gels are placed onto the warm teeth, they break down with extraordinary effectiveness.